Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obsessing: August 2011

So many things have been catching my attention lately.

Accordion/Pleated Skirts - From the moment I saw Marilyn Monroe's dress in Seven Year Itch, I have loved thin pleated skirts, which is why I snatched up an adorable gray pleated skirt for myself at Urban earlier this year. Having my own pleated skirt just deepened my current obsession. Now I am seeing pleats everywhere (have you seen H&M lately?), I couldn't be more excited. Of course, I like to believe that I've been loving them on my own accord and that the fashion industry is just catering to my tastes. What can I say? I like to be ahead of the trend!

The Weepies - I am listening to them at this very moment actually. They are one of those bands that are both perfect for background music or singing along if you prefer. Seriously, this group makes my heart sing. It's almost as if their music is indirectly saying, "Relax. Everything is okay. You're good." In other words, they are just great chill music.

Topknots - Per a couple posts back, this is already known, but I couldn't help myself. These buns look so high fashion, especially if your makeup is dramatic.

Feather Extensions/Earrings - My little sister had a feather extension in her hair for about two months, and it looked amazing. But the same look can achieved with long feather earrings or clip-ins as well. I have been wearing my feather earrings all weekend.  

Leifsdottir - Anthro sends me cute little emails every day, and last week, they were sweet enough to tell me that new items from Leifsdottir have arrived. This is such a needlessly tempting brand of loveliness.

What are you obsessing over right now?



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