Sunday, January 4, 2015

The year that counts!

Can't promise that I'll start updating my blog more often this year, but as usual, I do have my annual resolutions post for you RIGHT NOW!

On January 1, I officially celebrated my four year anniversary of living and working in our nation's capital. Looking back, all four years have been a mixture of learning and growing...and quite a bit of fun too! While there have been trials and at times painful lessons, God has always been there--ready and waiting to draw me closer to His heart. It's taken some recent circumstances and reflection to let Him do that too. 

When I look back on 2014, there were several areas in which God noticeably worked in my life, convicted me and really called me to make my faith my own and live for Him. Lately, that passage in John 15 keeps coming up in either my reading of Scripture, conversations with friends, songs on my Pandora or sermons at church. That's not coincidence; it's the Holy Spirit working. 

In John 15:5, Jesus proclaimed, "I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me." I think that verse sums up my year in a lot of ways. It seems that 2014 was a "pruning" year that required right (but also difficult) obedience in my heart--willingness to let God shape me into the person He created me to be, choose to seek Him alone and walk with faith along His narrow road.

I have to say that I'm looking forward to the promise of a new year, and I hope that it is one that brings honor and glory to Christ. Whenever I start a new year and formulate goals, I always notice an overarching theme. For 2015, it's "the year that counts." 

Here are the ways I want to make that theme a reality:

1) Take better care of myself
- Exercise at least once per week (small but achievable goal)
- Get more sleep (realize its value)
- Eat better (plan healthy meals)

- Read the Bible daily (just started this year-long reading plan)
- Pray more often (alone and with others)
- Build stronger friendships with other believers (seek out fellowship within the body of Christ)

- Intentionally spend time with people who challenge me spiritually and intellectually
- Get out and about weekly (allow myself to have more fun)

2) Save more money
- Eat at home more than I eat out (much easier said than done)
- Live by a budget
- Invest 

I truly believe that God has something special planned for the year ahead, and I intend to intentionally seek Him so that I don't miss out on His part for me in it. 

"From the first to the last breath I breathe, the Lord watches over me. You hear my cry and You know every need. The Lord watches over me."


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